Youth Ablaze

Youth Ablaze is the youth ministry of Sharon AG Church. Young people from diverse backgrounds gather every Saturday to worship, to have fellowship and learn to build their lives on the foundation of God's word.

It is a pretty exciting group of people who are creative, skillful and passionate for God and the expansion of His kingdom.

Join us for an exciting and life changing experience. Don't forget to bring your loved ones too.

Youth Ablaze

Youth Camps & Youth Festivals

Sharon AG Church gives special focus on ministering young people in the region of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Since 2009, every year, Sharon AG Church has been conducting 3-day Youth camps attended by more than 600 young people from across the Telugu states.

Since over a decade of Youth camps and Youth Festivals, thousands of young people have been blessed, their lives transformed by the word of God, a next generation of leaders have been raised and set off a revival in the youth ministry of local churches.

Our goal is to reach 20,000 young people by 2020.

To join us or to know more about our ministry, kindly contact us.

For more images, check out our gallery

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